Bull by the Horns

You think you got problems? Try being a bulldog with no nuts.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Don't forget the canolis

As consigliere of the southern california bully family, I was called in to see the bosses. They wanted to know the state of the family business, sort out any beefs anyone may have with each other. Apparently, the Poochino Family from the East coast is under investigation again so we need to make sure our west coast business is under wraps and that any "problems" are "taken care of."

Everyone was there - Fat Tony, Stevie Beefs, Stan "Itchy Paws" D'Ogatello, Johnny Meatball, Alfonzo Baconetti, The Twins, Big Lou, Little Sammy - -just to name a few! It's been a long time since I sniffed half of these guys so it was a long awaited reunion.

Check out the photos of the meeting


  • At 6:54 PM, Blogger Ayatollah Mugsy said…

    I never realized you had such family connections. Alfonso served time with me in the pound. He's a good fella.


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