Kong Busting Technique Instructional Videos

Since my tag post, I've been getting a flood of emails asking me to demonstrate in detail my patented Kong Busting Techique. I feel it would be best to share my wealth of knowledge with fellow canines who's owners think we should "work" for our food. Don't they know we canines are entitled to these treats without the obstacle of a rubberized exterior?
It's simple really. Just click on the following instructional videos and read along.
First: Find a good corner to lodge/wedge the Kong so it doesn't roll around. Face the large opening towards you and start licking vigorously until treat is practically soggy --You may want to take a water break if you run out of saliva... unsurprisingly I never have that problem.
Second: Repeatedly pickup and drop the Kong to agitate the tasty soggy morsel inside until it slides out of the Kong.
There you have it folks-- good luck in your Kong Busting endeavors.
At 10:11 PM,
Tigersan said…
The reflection in the glass is perfect to see all angles of the action! Me things this toy is foe ;). It is a good thing they don't put a beef snack in there... it might not get that soggy!
At 3:34 AM,
Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said…
I will have to print this blog entry out so Charlie and I can perfect your "Kong Busting Technique" ! Good job Brody :-)
At 2:47 PM,
Zeus said…
Brody, you're brilliant! I'm so glad, though, that my human pet doesn't make me work so hard for my treats. I think I would probably stick her in the eye with one of my sharp claws if she did that!
At 4:29 PM,
Cyrus The Great said…
Wow Brody! Thanks for the cool link button! how'd you do that?!
At 3:42 PM,
Cairo The Boxer said…
Brody we sure have lots in common!
At 7:39 PM,
IndyPindy said…
Brody, you have a great blog! I'm going to link to you!
At 4:53 AM,
Tigersan said…
Wow, thanks for the wonderful button! Me hasn't changed the "template" of my blog since I first hacked it into the "minimalism" state it is in now. Me will have to reconsider this approach as there is now something else to add to me blog. The blogging world just keeps getting bigger and bigger :)
At 9:06 AM,
Ayatollah Mugsy said…
Methodical and efficient.
At 8:34 PM,
Ayatollah Mugsy said…
I might be in need of some burly bulldog types with military training for a top-secret mission (provided my Photoshop skills are up to the task). Would you be interested in leading the platoon?
- Mugsy
At 11:07 PM,
Brody the Bulldog said…
Of course! You know me, I'm always looking for an opportunity to flex my muscles.
Will I need to bring any equipment? --just let me know.
At 12:52 AM,
Ayatollah Mugsy said…
Great, Brody. I will let you know when the biscuit is ready to exit the Kong. (That was secret code, for any non-ARF members who may be reading. It is uncrackable.)
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