Tag, I'm it.
I got 'tagged' by Cairo... so it's time let everyone know some of my unique doggie quirks.
First, I'm supposed to repeat the 'rules':
The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself." Then you tag 5 friends and list their names. The furries who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Now for the good stuff:
1) My Nightly Suck: Every night, I have to suck on one of my plushy toys. I picked up this habit when I was very young and refuse to give it up. Sometimes, I make my parents sit on the floor with me while I do this. If they refuse, I get annoying and cranky until they cave.
2) My Kong Busting Technique: I've got a Kong dog toy. Kong dog toys have hollow spaces where your folks put treats in. Then, you're supposed to chew on the dang thing until your jaw falls off or the treat breaks up into pieces small enough to fall out. Well... I got this one licked. What I do is push the Kong toy into a corner or up against a wall so it doesn't roll around so much. Then I grab it with my paws and turn it so I can see inside the treat cavity. Then I fish for the treat with my tongue, occasionally looking in to check the position of the treat. After about 10 or 15 minutes, the treat should be sufficiently soggy to proceed to the last step which is to pick up the Kong and throw it or drop it over and over again until the entire treat pops out! Works every time! :P
3) My Dinner Bell: I know when my parents are getting ready to serve me dinner because of the sound that my food dish makes when they handle it. There's no better sound than the sound of kibble ringing into my dish. Mmmmm... makes me drool just thinking about it. Anyhow, when I hear the sound of my dish being handled I automatically trot into my crate (that's where my food gets served) and sit and wait. That way, I save a few precious seconds.
4) My Bed-Time Routine: Just about every night, after my nightly toy suck, I pass out on the living room floor - preferably, between or leaning up against my mom or dads legs (since I likely bothered them till they gave up the couch - where I'm not allowed to go). Anyhow, when they get up and turn off the T.V. I know that it's really time to go to bed. So I get up and head to my crate. Once there, I have to dig up my bed in a special way that gives me a pillow to rest my head on at one end and a cozy pit to snuggle into at the other. Then, my mom or dad has to give me an ice chunk or two (don't you hate waking up with a dry mouth?). Then I tell them to close the flap to my bunker and hit the lights. Of course, if its done wrong - I have to start all over.
5) My Reflexive Air-Licking: This one is kinda embarrassing... but what the Hell. Bullies have tail-pockets, that is... well, we have, like, an arm-pit under our tails. Anyhow, it gets dirty from... well, you know... and from time to time it needs to be cleaned. So when my tail-pocket is being cleaned - I just can't help it - I fanatically lick the air as if my face was burred in an invisible mountain of Frosty Paws.
I tag: Francois, Thomas Peterson, Cyrus The Great, Waldo & Nestle, and Joe Stains or Dufus-Face.
First, I'm supposed to repeat the 'rules':
The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself." Then you tag 5 friends and list their names. The furries who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Now for the good stuff:
1) My Nightly Suck: Every night, I have to suck on one of my plushy toys. I picked up this habit when I was very young and refuse to give it up. Sometimes, I make my parents sit on the floor with me while I do this. If they refuse, I get annoying and cranky until they cave.
2) My Kong Busting Technique: I've got a Kong dog toy. Kong dog toys have hollow spaces where your folks put treats in. Then, you're supposed to chew on the dang thing until your jaw falls off or the treat breaks up into pieces small enough to fall out. Well... I got this one licked. What I do is push the Kong toy into a corner or up against a wall so it doesn't roll around so much. Then I grab it with my paws and turn it so I can see inside the treat cavity. Then I fish for the treat with my tongue, occasionally looking in to check the position of the treat. After about 10 or 15 minutes, the treat should be sufficiently soggy to proceed to the last step which is to pick up the Kong and throw it or drop it over and over again until the entire treat pops out! Works every time! :P
3) My Dinner Bell: I know when my parents are getting ready to serve me dinner because of the sound that my food dish makes when they handle it. There's no better sound than the sound of kibble ringing into my dish. Mmmmm... makes me drool just thinking about it. Anyhow, when I hear the sound of my dish being handled I automatically trot into my crate (that's where my food gets served) and sit and wait. That way, I save a few precious seconds.
4) My Bed-Time Routine: Just about every night, after my nightly toy suck, I pass out on the living room floor - preferably, between or leaning up against my mom or dads legs (since I likely bothered them till they gave up the couch - where I'm not allowed to go). Anyhow, when they get up and turn off the T.V. I know that it's really time to go to bed. So I get up and head to my crate. Once there, I have to dig up my bed in a special way that gives me a pillow to rest my head on at one end and a cozy pit to snuggle into at the other. Then, my mom or dad has to give me an ice chunk or two (don't you hate waking up with a dry mouth?). Then I tell them to close the flap to my bunker and hit the lights. Of course, if its done wrong - I have to start all over.
5) My Reflexive Air-Licking: This one is kinda embarrassing... but what the Hell. Bullies have tail-pockets, that is... well, we have, like, an arm-pit under our tails. Anyhow, it gets dirty from... well, you know... and from time to time it needs to be cleaned. So when my tail-pocket is being cleaned - I just can't help it - I fanatically lick the air as if my face was burred in an invisible mountain of Frosty Paws.
I tag: Francois, Thomas Peterson, Cyrus The Great, Waldo & Nestle, and Joe Stains or Dufus-Face.
At 8:26 PM,
Thomas Peterson said…
It appears we have mutually tagged each other. I hope that we don't implode or melt or anything horrible like that. After referring to my rule book, it seems that in the case of a tie, we both win.
At 9:39 AM,
Tigersan said…
Wow, that is some thinking when it comes to that Kong! Me wonders how else one could employ such a tactic. Me will file that away in the brain for future reference.
At 2:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
I loooooooove bulldogs! YAY! GO BULLDOGS!
At 6:30 AM,
Zeus said…
I am so glad I found your blog thanks to your comments on TigerSan's! The human pet has been doing so much research on your breed, and now, she can read about the daily life of your kind through this!
For example, all of us just learned about your arm-pit pocket! Granted, I realize how embarassing that must have been for you to share, but thank goodness you told us! We would never have known otherwise!
I'm definitely adding you to my canine friends blogroll, Brody!
At 6:14 PM,
Unknown said…
Ummm, I am learning so much about licking these days from dog blogs. Almost more than I want to, butt hey!!!
Your blog rocks!
At 8:10 PM,
Splash said…
Dude, you should be glad your folks have not thought of this yet. My mom FREEZES the Kongs. She says it's for advanced users only. It takes for-EVER to finish one that way. Nice in the summer though.
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