Living in California, you're bound to bump into a celebrity or two. On my way to the "ARF's
Bully Amphibious Training Meetup Seminar" at Huntington Beach, I saw
Tyson and Family hanging out enjoying the shade under a palm tree.

At first I wasn't sure if it was really him and so I "
checked his I.D" to confirm it was really him. He was gracious enough to pose with me for a photo but as you can see I was too concerned about being late for the seminar.

The seminar proved educational for the ARF recruits and as you can tell we all had fun too. We were trained matadors taunting those waves.
Check out
the photos!
At 7:04 PM,
Ayatollah Mugsy said…
Tyson probably went home to tell his friends that he met a celebrity, too, Brody. As ARF supreme commander and hero of the storied Phat Dog Down incident, you're like Norman Schwarzkopf, Colin Powell and R. Lee Ermey all rolled into one wrinkly-faced package.
At 12:20 AM,
MJ's doghouse said…
Brody you are so handsome..I just love your big droolpuss face....you make me smile when i read your blog...you sure look like you are having alot of fun at the beach....YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED BRODY....read my blog to find out the fun rules...i cant wait to see your funny things....
At 8:48 PM,
Cyrus The Great said…
Wow you look like you had a fun time at the beach!!! I have never been to the ocean- I cant swim very well- I have heard talks about getting me a PINK LIFE JACKET! Yes, I said PINK- ugh my friggin mom is nuts!!! Dad says boys dont wear PINK! man- anyway- I like your blog too!!
Have a good summer
At 6:20 PM,
Joe Stains said…
that is so cool! We don't have anybody famous here in AZ. You rock!
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